Sep 2023 -
The club grew quite big. We have around 40 members with 15 active buskers.
We're actively busking every two weeks, but I'm not able to actively update this page, Instagram, and YouTube channel because I have no time to manage those :/
I observed Chemistry Club, and I realized that the president distributes jobs to other officers. That's the leadership right there 👆
Next Monday (Today == Jan 4, 2024), I'm gonna have some conversations with the club officers to give them each platform (among Instagram, YouTube, Google Classroom, and GroupMe) that they'll be responsible for. Our advisor, Mr. Finn, will make sure that we're all doing our jobs well.
I heard that smart companies build a system to operate smoothly by giving employees roles & responsibilities. I'm trying to implement that system here 🤓
Current State (as of Jan 2024)
We have a solid backbone; we found the "supply" (= musicians in our school who want to practice performing in front of others) and the "demand" (= students who are exhausted after preparing for tests, etc) and matched them well!
Now, I'm trying to make this club a bit more awesome!
Aiming to build a strong team
When together, we have endless potential. Together, we can go to many places—from senior centers and local restaurants to Times Square—and perform our music there. To do that, though, we first need a strong, supportive team. Next Monday, I'm going to have conversations with the officers about this too.
More explanation: practicing, rehearsing, going to those places, and performing the music consume quite a lot of time & effort. When we put more of our efforts in, we want to have more incentives back, or else we'll easily get depressed and won't put that much effort like before. The crowds' claps would not be enough to keep us motivated—think about how most pop stars go through burn-out. I think it's because claps just disappear instantaneously. Our buskers's minds would want to get something that won't disappear too quickly by being in this club, and friendship can be an answer! (I'm kinda applying things I learned while developing Atrable lol) That's why I'm trying to build a strong team first.
June 9th, 2023
My first busking with Ian!
I filmed some videos while doing the busking demo 🎥
I re-rendered the video 17 times to put on YouTube because of some weird visual effect caused by video file corruption. I personally liked it, but I thought I would be the only one who liked it, so I tried removing those weird effects.
Apparently, I was experiencing this issue because there was not enough space left in my main drive. I exported the video on another drive and those visual effects are gone now. Phew.
Busking = Street Performance
I've been wanting to do busking after hearing that Busker Busker, a famous band in Korea that made many songs like 벚꽃 엔딩, used to do busking in their early 20s.
I wanted to do it in school during lunchtime, so I made Busking Club with my friend Ian. We recently did a demo busking, and it was great! Everybody loved the idea of seeing their friends singing some songs for them. Even the teachers loved it; one of them told us how great it is to bring positive energy to our community by busking during lunchtime. I think it's great too!
We'll be doing this every week starting the next year. You can always join us if you're a THS student. Anyway, I hope it goes well!
- Written on Jun. 19, 2023